Indianapolis Grease Interceptor Pumping
Grease Interceptor Pumping Services in Indianapolis

Indianapolis has a high concentration of quality restaurants in relation to many large cities. There are many who are in need of premium grease trap pumping and cleaning service at a decent cost. Indianapolis Grease Trap Services blow away the competition through our many years of experience. We have partnered with hundreds of food service establishments to help them to stay on top of the Indianapolis health and safety requirements with regard to their grease traps. You won’t regret our grease interceptor pumping service.
Grease traps were developed not only to protect the city sewer system from harmful contamination from FOG waste, but also to prevent clogs and other mishaps in the establishments house plumbing. In this way, the profitability of food serving establishments is enhanced by preventing needless emergency closures due to overflows and blockages. If the uncontrolled discharge of FOG waste into the city sewage and water system was allowed to happen unimpeded, their operation would soon cease altogether. Instead, the greasy waste is captured in the grease trap chambers, while allowing the water to flow freely into the sewage treatment system
Why you need regular scheduled servicing of your grease interceptor pumping
At what intervals should I schedule maintenance and servicing of my grease interceptor to satisfy the requirements of the local health and safety regulations?
The timing and intervals of your scheduled maintenance and servicing of your grease interceptor has many determining facets. How many clients do you serve on a regular basis? Do you prepare a lot of greasy, fried servings, or mainly vegetarian meals? What is the capacity of your grease interceptor tank? How many hours per day is your restaurant open to the public? There are many factors that will determine the frequency of scheduled service, those are just a few. The requirements set forth by the city health and safety code is not difficult to meet, you only need to team up with the right partner to help you achieve the goal of avoiding any violations of the law which could lead to needless trouble.
Health and safety regulations have set a limit of 30% as a standard of FOG waste that is allowed in your grease interceptor. Anything above that is a violation of the law, and that’s why we like to keep it below 25%. Your grease interceptor won’t need to be cleaned as often if you prepare vegetarian servings compared to if you prepare mainly greasy fried foods due to the difference in the amount of oil used between the two.
Our 25% Standard Rule
Indianapolis health and safety regulations have set a base limit of 30% as a standard of greasy food waste that is allowed in your grease interceptor. If the threshold goes beyond that, it is a violation of regulations, and that’s why we prefer to keep it below 25%. To be on the safe side, we have set our standard at a threshold of 25% of capacity because it is a far safer level that leaves enough room for any incorrect estimation or other situation that would indicate the level is higher than expected.
We set this limit as a rule of thumb that we try to stay in line with to stay within close compliance with the 30% rule, to reduce any chance of violation of the strict Indianapolis code. It doesn’t matter to city officials if your grease interceptor is large enough to be safe at the 30% level, they cannot see beyond the letter of the law. If you go beyond the 30% limit set by law, they will most likely make you pay a hefty fine.
I Have a Grease Interceptor With a Much Lower Capacity
In the case of the smaller grease interceptors, a good number of commercial restaurants don’t require the larger varieties. That’s because the volume of food prepared each month doesn’t justify the expense and logistics of such an installation. But there is a trade-off. Because of the smaller volume of the tank, it will tend to reach the 25% capacity limit sooner than a larger grease interceptor, so it will have the need for a cleaning schedule with shorter intervals. In that case, you may have to schedule it for service at the rate of monthly or even weekly, if you are preparing lots of greasy fried food.
I Have a Large Underground Interceptor. How Often Does It Need Servicing?
Because of their massive capacity, the large grease interceptors won’t fit inside the establishment, so they must be installed outdoors. In most instances, it may be located as far as in the hundreds of feet away from the kitchen it serves. Because of this, the plumbing configuration can be quite complicated so that the tank can be made accessible by the required pump truck. In many cases, the only possible location available outside is under the parking lot, or even the sidewalk. While the cost of installing such a large grease interceptor buried in the ground outside is a bit more expensive than one that can fit within your establishment, the cost is easily offset by the fact that it will require much less frequent servicing.
My Indianapolis grease interceptor is not as efficient as it was
You need our hydro jet cleaning service!
We run across this issue very often during initial consultations with potential clients. For some reason, the efficiency of their grease interceptor has dropped over a period of time. We have found this is usually a result of using substandard methods of the final cleaning of the tank and chambers, such as simply scraping and scrubbing. This is an inefficient way of removing greasy deposits from the many corners, nooks and crannies of grease interceptor chambers. Our preferred method is state of the art, high tech hydro-jet technology. This technique uses 3500 PSI of water pressure to literally blow away any trace of sludge that has been deposited. This method is sure to bring your grease interceptor back up to efficiency specifications just like it was brand new!
Affordable & Reputable Grease Trap Services